.one hour. one microwave. one remote.

chronicling the lunchtime antics of a keymaster, a lean cuisine junkie, a tag-teaming panel, and a red-head

They be owlin'

Just when you thought you were used to seeing people impersonate pieces of drift wood atop random objects such park benches and grocery cart returns, the idea died...only to be replaced by the way more intense, ankle-strengthening pose - owling. No doubt the result of seeing a tootsie pop commercial during a bad trip, owling is it now people, get on board!*

(*Note: 'board' is used here so as to say, 'get on the ship' or 'join the crowd' and is no way to be understood as a coded synonym for planking. For proof that the two are not interchangeable, remember, your 17th century self, who was surely a surely pirate, would never have said 'walk the board').

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