.one hour. one microwave. one remote.

chronicling the lunchtime antics of a keymaster, a lean cuisine junkie, a tag-teaming panel, and a red-head

Forsake no more California, your heroes have arrived!

Don't let television shows fool you...life in the 90210 zip is rough. It's damn near impossible to find a decent masseuse for your chihauhua, the toilet paper will totally chaff your skin, and there is always an under-abundance of mirrors in which to gaze. The sun makes you sweat unattractively, the sand leaves you feeling dry and gritty (and not in a 'I just had microdermabrasion' kind of way), and the ocean spray screws up your hair despite your $1,500 Extra-Super-Mega Hold Hair Gel. It freakin' sucks.

Nonetheless, there are three modern day heroes braving these apocalyptic conditions to better mankind. Your parents knew Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Peter Parker...but YOU have Josh Flagg, Madison Hildebrand and Chad Rogers! Three cut-throat, ball-busting, metrosexual realitors whose shared journey is wrought with personal hygiene products, supersized egos, and a lifetime supply of skinny jeans. All super heroes have to have a day job, so these Los Angeles hotties sling overpriced Hollywood homes by day, and search for a sense of self by night.Thanks to Bravo, the Nickelodeon of today's youth, viewers have shared the pain and struggle Josh, Madison and Chad face daily. Whether it's taking advantage of a grandmother's Holocaust experience for personal gain (buy Josh's book A Simple Girl: Stories my Grandmother Told Me at www.JOSHFLAGGBOOK.com!), combating enemies through passive-aggressive looks of disdain, or convincing bbcakes to sign a joint custody agreement for precious little Starla, audiences are there to hold the hands of California's favorite sons (especially during thunderstorms, which makes more than one of them cry out for mommy.)

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