.one hour. one microwave. one remote.

chronicling the lunchtime antics of a keymaster, a lean cuisine junkie, a tag-teaming panel, and a red-head


We rigged the tv to the internet yesterday. When I say we, I mean the keymaster and when I say rigged, I mean got a really long cable and some receiver-box-gizmo and connected the tv to a laptop. Now...our television does have cable. However, the Comedy Central schedule is screwed up. They moved the replays of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report to an unacceptable and inconvenient time slot....and yes, I hope a Time Warner corporate executive with scheduling authority is reading this, and yes, by unacceptable and inconvenient I mean a non-2pm slot. So, we Lunch Crewers have been, for some time, without our daily dose of dry wit and sarcastic Onion-esque news.  It's terrible what channel-surfing does to the mind...(ahem, two weeks of curling, remember?!) So, yesterday the tv was hot-wired to the internet where we streamed The Daily Show...and what better episode to watch! It was Interview with a Vampire and a watered-down version of Porky's all rolled into one! And o, did the memories of happier lunches gone by flood back to us!

Today....without our keymaster...we once again flipped channels...watching Kardashians get pummeled for charity, a giant rabbit-like creature confound a pill-popper in the bathroom, and the always entertaining Fight Club which apparently, in way reaches the level of disgusting vulgarity that the book does (this statement has not yet been supported by sound Pictionary evidence). O, but we did determine what clothing an alien wears to conceal the zipper that holds the human shell around his true form! So not a wasted hour after all. 

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